Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My First Juice

February 19, 2013

My fresh out of the box
Today is a historical day in the life of me. I juiced for the first time! And I am not talking about steroids... I am talking about actual fresh fruit that I made into juice! First of all I am a big fan of juice in general- I always have been. But I have always tried to keep drinking it to a minimum since there is always so much stuff added to the stuff you get in stores. Plus I love to come up with unique concoctions and see if it works- so making my own juice seemed like a wonderfully fun adventure!

I had a juicer given to me a few years ago, and I had never even opened the box. But I decided that today was the day! I ripped open the box and took the whole contraption apart and washed it; then reassembled it and got ready for the next step.

I took out all the fruit and stuff I was going to juice, and I washed everything; and cut what I needed to. When I turned on the juicer, it made a loud roar- that sucker means business! I ran it all through there, and was so excited to watch the juice come out! And it smelled so fresh and flavorful! Here is what I used -

  • 9 carrots
  • 2 oranges (peeled)
  • 2 apples
  • 2 lemons
  • About a 1/4 of a pineapple (depending on what your idea of an average size of a pineapple is...)
  • Some chunks of ginger (a little seems to go a long way, I didn't use too much.)

Fresh juice!
I mixed it all together in a carafe. It was so yummy! Extremely fresh and just made me feel good! It made probably about 4 cups worth, give or take... It wasn't as bad to clean the juicer as I had heard either. So that was a nice surprise.

I am very excited about my new found juicing abilities, and I know I will be doing more of it in the future. In the mean time, I think I am going to go enjoy a cup of fresh juice right now!

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