I'm McKenna Medley. I am a performer, singer, and songwriter. I have grown up around music my whole life, especially since my Dad is one half of The Righteous Brothers. (Thus the title of this blog being A "Righteous" Fit...) But aside from that surface bio that you could find pretty much anywhere with a quick google search; I am deeper than that- there is more of a story to tell.
My whole life I have struggled with my weight. I was always a bit chubbier than the other kids, and at times in my life- mostly after high school, I got a lot chubbier. I have a big love of food! (Especially sweets, and pizza and bread, and so many more delicious things!) I am what you would call a foodie. I love to cook as well, and I have been told I'm pretty good.
Now you might be thinking- so what? Well, I also struggled with eating disorders throughout the years. And doctors trying to medicate me, and help me be "normal". My conclusion is that maybe "normal" just isn't for me. And maybe that is what makes me who I am.
I was born and raised in Newport Beach, California- where you are pretty much an outcast if you are not a size zero... Which was quite a problem for me; because as children, we all so desperately want to be normal. (But what about healthy? Shouldn't we want to be healthy more than we want to be someone's idea of normal?)
About seven years ago- give or take a year... (Because honestly I've lost count!) I moved to Branson, Missouri. When I moved, I was probably at my biggest weight. But all of a sudden I was happy. I was working a lot and I was around such positive people that loved me for me! And it changed me.
I can promise you, I wasn't on a diet- it was one of the few times I was not on a diet in my life... In fact, those that were around me then could tell you I ate Cold Stone everyday, and the rest of the day it was usually chips and dip or a cheese burger. And yet suddenly I started to lose weight. I lost a large amount of weight the following couple years.
After I lost the weight, I started going to a gym, and trying to tone up. I got a personal trainer, and I went about three times a week. I was starting to see a change, and it felt great.
However, it wasn't that simple for me. Because keeping the weight off is a lot harder for me than it was to get it off in the first place! I am in a constant battle. And there are days and weeks I definitely lose the battle. But my goal is not to win the battle of a day or a week, it is to win the overall war.
My job is not the best when it comes to being healthy- or encouraging healthy habits. I tour around with my Dad and work different cities and keep weird schedules. And often I am left eating what they give me, and sometimes not being able to find that extra time to get to the gym.
So that- in a nutshell, gets me to why we are here today... I am not someone you should be listening to about health advise- I would never say my way is the right way, mostly because I think it is a different path to success for everyone. But I hope that by having this page a couple things might happen...
- I'll be accountable to someone. All of you out there reading. So that will encourage me to push harder and do better. Which I know I need!
- That you will see what I am doing and maybe it will inspire you. Even if it is just in a small way. I'd love to encourage good health for everyone!
- Plus I am excited to have a place to give out some tips and possibly useful things I have learned!
I look forward to being able to share things with you here- some inspiration, some success, some struggles, some utter human failures, and some tips that just might come in handy for you too. And to be able to expand on a couple of the topics I briefly touched today.
Currently, I just left for our first tour of the year, and it is going to be a 10 or 11 day killer. Lots of tough schedules, weird hours, snow, and minimal sleep. Plus is is my Birthday while I am on the road- and I plan to celebrate a little at least! So this might be an utter failure... But perhaps if I don't succeed, there will be even more to learn from. I'm positive though, and I have hope. So I hope you follow along with me on my journey. Plus I already have a few tips that I have figured out over the last few years on the road, and I know I will learn more...
It starts today.
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