February 14, 2013
Mini Panorama view from my room. Beautiful! |
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I woke up as the bus was pulling into the hotel (Grand Casino) in Hinckley, MN. We got checked in and I headed up to my room. I was there by 9am. I did sleep on the bus- but that is never awesome sleep... So I started sipping on some water and laid down a bit to see if I could fall back asleep. But I never did. I got to rest a little though.
I also put together a little Valentine's Day gift for all the guys. Since everyone is away from their loved ones on V-day, I figured they could all use a little something! I also had an extra heart shaped peanut butter cup, and an extra small box of Jelly Belly's Valentine Mix; I'll be saving those for later as my own personal Valentine!
Valentine's Day treats for the guys! |
Eventually I was starving, so I ate a protein bar. I rested a bit longer, then around 12:30pm I got up to go to the gym. I was feeling kinda tired to start with, but gave it my best shot. Unfortunately, the gym was not so good. It really didn't have much weights- only one weight machine that didn't work very well. Plus when I got there all the treadmills were taken, so I was stuck on the elliptical machine. (Which usually I wouldn't mind to have some variety, but it was a weird old machine that was not easy to use.) Eventually I got to use one of the treadmills though, so that helped. Here is what I did -

- Cardio - Elliptical Machine - 5 minutes at a fast pace. About .31miles.
- Weights - Circuit - 300 movements total - 25 sit ups, 25 bicep curls at 25lb, 25 tricep extensions at 45lb. Repeat 3 more times.
- Cardio - Treadmill - 15 minutes - 1.34 miles (2min at 6mph, 1min at 3.8mph, 2min at 6.5mph, 1min at 3.8mph, 2min at 6mph, 1min at 3.8mph, 2 min at 6.5mph, 1min at 3.8mph, 2min at 6mph, 1min at 3.8mph)
- Cardio - Elliptical Machine - 5 minutes at a fast pace. About .31miles.
I would like to add a note here- when traveling, or just using other gyms in general, you come across different weight machines and different machines in general. Especially with weight machines, I have noticed that some run very differently. At one gym I can do things at a lot higher weight than at another, etc... So if you are using a different machine and it seems really easy, don't just assume that you got totally muscular overnight. AND up the weight if it seems easier than usual. But don't be upset when you get back to your normal gym and maybe you can't do stuff at that higher weight. Just always do your best for THAT day. Even outside of the machines, our bodies are in different places different days. Somedays it will just seem harder, and somedays it will just be easier. Don't get discouraged by the bad days.
I got back to my room- after I stopped by the gift shop to stock up on some water. But I didn't stay there long. I was due down at rehearsal around 2:30pm. I also stopped by their little coffee place downstairs and I got a smoothie. Gave me a little pick me up! I only ate about 2/3 of it though.
V-Day gift! |
Heart Bracelet V-Day gift! |
After sound check, I got back to my room and started to get ready. I stopped to order some room service for dinner, and I accidently ate too much! I was so hungry by the time the food got there that I just scarfed it down! I ate a side salad, a chicken breast, a roll and I got some fried cheese curds. (Mostly because my boyfriend introduced me to cheese curds in the past year. Had to try them fried!) But I ended up stuffed! Good thing I had some time to let everything settle before the show at 8pm.
When I got backstage I did snack on some pineapple and a few raspberries. (I love when they put good fresh fruit out for us!) Plus I got a wonderful Valentine surprise from my honey. Very special!

The show went great, had some friends in the audience, and it was a wonderful Valentine's Day celebration for a lot of excited couples. So that made it special! After we finished signing, we met with some people and then I indulged in part of a small personal sized chocolate bunt cake. (It was the dessert they were serving the audience, and they saved a few for us!) I only ate about half of one of the desserts though. But it was lovely!
I went back up to my room and caught up on some phone calls. Then I ate the two little treats I reserved for later at the beginning of the day... A heart shaped Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, and a small little box of a Valentine's Mix of Jelly Belly's. Happy Valentine's Day to me! After that, I just got ready for bed, and soon drifted off.